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Can Technology Replace the Need for Human Staffing in the Performance of an Event?


We live in a world where technology advances at a dizzying rate, and the digitalization of our daily lives is a growing trend. The current worldwide situation caused by the COVID-19 pandemic has triggered the use of digital apps and is leading us to a model of life where technological solutions will surely continue to gain more prominence.

In the industry of large events, in recent years, technology has been acquiring more presence through solutions such as Chatbots, robots, or even mobile apps, playing a complementary role with the responsibilities of event staffing and logistics of the event.

From this approach, the question that begins to arise is: “Will the role played by technological developments gain such relevance that will overshadow the participation or even relevance of the human factor within the realization of an event?”

What Role Does Technology Play in the Development of Large Events?

According to the 2020 Future Trends Report published by the CWT Meetings & Events, the number of event apps created since 2017 has increased by 83%, while the percentage of attendees downloading apps rose from 50% in 2017 to 74% year-to-date in 2019.

Apps developed specifically for this type of events have evolved from being informative (only including maps and timetables) to becoming interesting interactive tools where the user enjoys a richer experience including everything from specific functions for networking, listening to simultaneous translations of the presentations, to real-time talks, and many other options.

Also, these types of technological developments are essential tools for the organizer because they facilitate the process from planning and pre-production, execution of the event, to its subsequent analysis.

App development is just one example of the various ways technology has been creating and providing technological solutions for automating processes aiming to optimize time and money.

What Will Happen With the Event Staffing Participation During Events?

As we have already mentioned, there is a growing trend to digitalize processes. However, successful events are not only measured by the number of attendees but also valued in terms of user experience. That’s when, even today, other important and irreplaceable factors come into play.

Emotions have not been digitalized. For example, connecting with another human being and communicating naturally and spontaneously is something that technology has not been able to match, and in many cases, that is what makes the difference.

James Morgan, founder of Event Tech Lab, emphasized in an interview published by Punto MICE: “Technology can help professionals by taking care of the most basic tasks, humans will be able to dedicate themselves to much more valuable missions that will improve the experience of those attending the event.”

So, What Are the Other Factors Making the Difference Between Technology and Event Staffing?

The key is to use both tools, human resources and technology, the right way and in the right proportions. Quality social interaction provides added value to a brand. Connecting with a person through a sincere, friendly, and close conversation is a valuable asset that enhances a brand’s value and identity.