In a more recent study, they highlight that almost 2 out of 3 people (66% of those surveyed) claim to live in fear of contracting the virus. A report by the Well Being Trust and the Robert Graham Center for Policy Studies in Family Medicine and Primary Care predicts that mental health effects will lead to a very high number of deaths.
Fears, worries, and changes in eating and sleeping patterns are some of the symptoms that, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), may occur more often in extreme situations, such as the current COVID-19 pandemic.
The uncertainty linked to the current reality affects us all in different ways. From social, personal, and family matters to work and economic affairs, generating an unstable climate.
It is a reality that many sectors will experience new post-pandemic behavior and will have to adapt to different ways of developing their processes. Large events, transportation solutions, and logistic processes of staff mobility will also reflect a new reality, which certainly generates fear and anxiety in our community.
How to Act When a Situation Gets Out of Control
Distrust in unpredictable situations, instability, or even fear can lead to stress and anxiety, representing a serious threat to our health. In SET Events, we are aware of this situation. We know that there will also be significant changes in our business and that we must prepare for them. Furthermore, we know that to adapt to these new scenarios, we have to be stronger and more united than ever. It is also a great opportunity to reinvent ourselves and face the future with new tools.
ReSET is how we contribute. It has been a way to give value to our community of SETters, partners, and clients. Through content and online events, we offer tips and tools to help us cope with this complicated situation.
We understand ReSET as a starting point for reinvention. You can focus on your well-being and start a new personal and professional phase, where many changes prevail. These tools will help you turn around your routine so you can adapt to the new normal while also improving your quality of life.
Reset and Reloading: Handy Tools to Stay Focused on Your Well-Being During the COVID-19 Crisis
ReAlign was our first way of starting the month of July. Along with Monique Catoggio, a certified and accredited executive coach, specializing in Energy Leadership, we lived a wonderful experience based on Feng Shui, an ancient Chinese technique seeking the balance of life energy through the distribution, decoration, and room orientation.
In this interesting virtual session, through this fascinating oriental technique, we learned how to re-align our areas. Especially those related to our home, mind, body, and spirit. One of the participants won a 60-minute one-on-one Feng Shui consultation with Monique.
Relive the Experience by Clicking Here!
ReFocus was our second step to invite you to reconnect with your mind and body through a yoga session. Yoga is a discipline known for its exceptional health benefits, both physical and mental. In this great 45 minute webinar, held by a New York City Verayoga specialist, five participants won a free 3-month membership.
Relive the Experience by Clicking Here!
ReStart was the third event we held aiming to provide valuable tools for our community. Belle Soto-Taveras, an expert therapist in mental health, was in charge of leading an interesting online talk with essential techniques to manage stress and anxiety at all times. This is undoubtedly a fundamental tool to maintain our emotional, psychic, and social well-being. The virtual attendees also got the chance to win four one-on-one sessions with the therapist.
Relive the Experience by Clicking Here!
ReGroup! It is undeniable that the social distancing caused by the COVID-19 pandemic created a physical separation in many ways. By force majeure, we had to isolate ourselves from our family, friends, and co-workers at one point or another. ReGroup with your community and thrive! It’s a graphic document providing information and tools to keep you close to your loved ones. It also encourages you to redistribute your free time, making better use of it with ideas for productive activities. This helps you to stay updated in the professional world and be better prepared to face the changes coming in the future.
Download the Infographic here!
Re-visualize your goals. As we mentioned before, the current situation creates doubts and, somehow, insecurities for the future. In a way, we are wondering how various situations will unfold in the short-term, including, of course, the job market.
The only solution is to turn around the situation and focus on searching for new opportunities. Our goals will still be there, but it is time to reinvent ourselves and be prepared to achieve them. For this last session of the month, we had the participation of Laura Sgroi, a certified Professional Coach, Author, and Speaker. Through an engaging, creative, and fun virtual chat, she shared essential tips and tools to keep us motivated and focused on accomplishing our goals.
Relive the Experience by Clicking Here!
At SET Events, we are happy with the ReSET campaign results. It was primarily designed to add value to our environment and connect and contribute to our community. It also provided useful tools that helped our SETters, partners, and clients prepare, reinvent themselves, and face the current crisis with a great attitude.
As Elias Vargas, founder, and CEO of SET Events, points out: “This campaign is a way to express our gratitude to our community.”